21 January 2010

Report on the Fayre - General Interest members

In spite of foul weather, there was a good attendance and we recruited more members.  I was able to offer them immediate membership of one of the teams, but several people refused to name a preference.  They were joining, they said, to make a donation to our work and to be kept informed of the situation.

I have therefore designated another membership category - General Interest - aside from the Teams.  GI members will not be plugged into the Team discussions and so will need to get all their information from this blog.  This suggests the blog will need to keep up a running commentary on what is happening, including material sent out to the different teams.

15 January 2010

Seaton Community Fayre

The Community Fayre takes place in Seaton Town Hall on Saturday 16 January between 10 am and 3 pm.  Tescowatch will be represented and hopes to recruit some more supporters.  If you have time, come along.

12 January 2010

Team membership

After much discussion, six teams have been assembled to deal with Marine, Environment, Construction, IT & Admin, Campaign & Publicity and Policy.  Names and contact details have been sent out to all contributing members so that meetings can be set up.  We hope to have initial team meetings on or before the Community Fayre at Seaton Town Hall on Saturday 16th January

In the meantime,  this week's View from Seaton has an excellent summary of the latest comments about Tesco shenanigans at EDDC.  Well done, Ben Middleton !